Choosing Residential Deadbolt Locks: Your Options

If you're looking for options to secure your front door, you may be considering replacing the deadbolt lock. While doorknob locks are a first line of defense, deadbolt locks are added security. Choosing the right ones for your home means considering all of the options first. There are a variety of styles of deadbolts to choose from depending on your ultimate goals. Here are a few of the options that you should think about.


The standard deadbolt lock that most homeowners are familiar with is the single-cylinder style. These locks feature a key opening on the outside and a flip latch on the inside to engage the lock. The deadbolt post itself is usually a solid metal lock. These are tried and true and work well for many homes.


The double-cylinder option is newer to the market and less common, but more secure if you have windows on either side of the door. Deadbolt latches can easily be flipped if a would=be intruder breaks the window beside the door. With a double-cylinder lock, there is no latch to flip. You need a key to unlock the deadbolt even from the inside. For those homeowners concerned with added safety precautions, this is a viable alternative.

Keypad Deadbolts

Keypad deadbolt locks are electronic locks with a number pad where you must enter a pin code to unlock the lock. These are not wi-fi enabled, so you can't coordinate them with your smart home technology. This also means they cannot be hacked, if you're concerned about the vulnerability of internet-connected lock systems.

Smart Locks

Deadbolt systems that integrate with your smart home technology are great if you want voice control for your locks. You can even opt into proximity sensors for your cell phone's smart home apps so that the lock automatically senses your presence and unlocks for you. If you're trying to embrace the technology evolution and you want your home to work smarter, not harder, these may be the deadbolt lock solutions for you.

No matter which style of deadbolt you choose, make sure that the posts are constructed from hardened, reinforced metal so that they are not vulnerable to brute force intrusion. The stronger your locks, including reinforced strike plates and deeper screws, the more secure your home will be in the face of an attempted break-in. Deadbolt locks are about security as a priority, so talk with a local professional for more advice about the right style for your home.

Learn more about residential deadbolt lock installation.

About Me

Understanding Your Personal Security Risks

A few months ago I started thinking about robberies in our area, and it occurred to me that our home was less than completely secure. Our front locks hadn't been updated in years, so I started exploring different ways to improve the security of our home. Before I installed bars on the windows and created a panic room, I contacted a locksmith to install a few extra precautionary door-locking mechanisms. He was able to completely overhaul our front door, and it was really incredible to see the difference that it made. Check out this blog to learn more about home security and locksmiths.