Smart Locks: Is The Key-Free Lifestyle For You?

The deadbolt lock with keyed entry has been at the forefront of home security for years. However, there's an intriguing new trend in residential locks called the smart lock.

Keyless access and electronic locks have been commonplace in commercial settings for years. Now that keyless access can be conveniently linked to mobile technology, smart locks are starting to gain traction as a security option in residential properties.

The smart lock is more than just a keyless entry device like the keypads or keycard entry locks you may have used in the workplace. While they let you get into your house using an access code like other keyless entry devices, smart locks allow you to unlock your door from just about anywhere using your smartphone or another mobile device. You can also assign virtual keys and inactivate those keys whenever you want to do so. It's a convenient way to allow guests or repairmen to access the home for specified windows of time. You can also track who came and went from the home with the use of smart locks.

Smart locks can work as part as a whole-home security system. They can be programmed to lock at a predetermined time when the security alarm sets. Some locks are part of a smart home design that includes control of interior and exterior lights as well.

Installing electronic locks during your next lock replacement will give you the convenience of never getting locked out in the middle of the night due to a lost key. You'll also avoid the cost of an emergency locksmith visit. You don't have to change locks when someone moves out or get copies of keys made when you need extras. Additionally, you avoid the security risk of keeping a spare key hidden on your property. Some smart locks will unlock when you and your smartphone get close to the door— that can be very convenient when your arms are full with bags of groceries.

A downside to electronic locks is that they're more expensive than conventional locks and cost more to be installed. Additionally, you may forget your password or pin number. Electronic locks may malfunction during a power outage. There's also the risk that a hacker could gain access to your locks if you control them with an app or over the Internet. That said, it would take more effort to hack into your lock than it would take to pick it manually or simply smash a window to gain access to the home.

It may take many years for smart locks to become the norm, but for today's early adopters, there are a lot of conveniences to be gained from the key-free lifestyle.

For lock replacement, contact a company such as Fox Chase Lock & Key.

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Understanding Your Personal Security Risks

A few months ago I started thinking about robberies in our area, and it occurred to me that our home was less than completely secure. Our front locks hadn't been updated in years, so I started exploring different ways to improve the security of our home. Before I installed bars on the windows and created a panic room, I contacted a locksmith to install a few extra precautionary door-locking mechanisms. He was able to completely overhaul our front door, and it was really incredible to see the difference that it made. Check out this blog to learn more about home security and locksmiths.